Turning Paper Worksheets into Digital Interactive Worksheets

Did you know you can turn a paper worksheet into a digital worksheet really easily now?
It used to be this long process of snipping and screenshots and answer blanks and craziness! And now…there is a free (you know I only show you free tools) website called Teachermade!!

If you haven’t tried this website yet, you have to get over to www.teachermade.com and check it out. It easily takes a paper worksheet and creates a fillable electronic worksheet document in the matter of minutes.

Pro Tip: If your students are old enough. Teach them how to add their own answer blanks so all you have to do as the teacher is upload the PDF into Teachermade, assign to your students, and give them access to the editable tools.

This is a game changer if you find yourself needing digital worksheets, but you have been passing out paper copies for all of your teaching career!

I did an “unboxing” of Teachermade on the integratED Teacher: Jacey Erickson Facebook Page where I recorded my screen as I tried Teacher Made for the very first time to see how user friendly it was. Click the link or picture below to get a glimpse of how it works!

Unboxing Teachermade Live on Facebook Live

Unboxing Teachermade Live on Facebook Live


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